Class 2023
Stand: 07.06.2024
 Basic Program - Part 1
  1. Circle Left / Circle Right  
  2. Forward & Back  
  3. Dosado  
  Dosado to a Wave  
  4. Swing  
  5. Promenade Family  
a. Couples Promenade Full  
a. Couples Promenade ½  
b. Single File Promenade  
c. Wrong Way Promenade  
d. Star Promenade  
  6. Allemande Left 15.03.
  7. Arm Turns  
  Arm Turns Full Around  
  8. Right & Left Grand Family  
a. Right & Left Grand  
b. Weave the Ring  
c. Wrong Way Grand  
  9. LH Star / RH Star 08.03.
  Stars from 8 Chain Thru  
10. Pass Thru  
11. Half Sashay Family  
a. Half Sashay 24.05.
b. Rollaway  
c. Ladies In, Men Sashay 24.05.
12. Turn Back Family  
a. U-Turn Back 03.05.
b. Backtrack  
13. Separate  
  Separate Around 1 or 2  
a. to a Line  
b. and Come Into the Middle  
14. Split Two  
15. Courtesy Turn 08.03.
  Courtesy Turn Full Around  
  Courtesy Turn & ¼ more 
16. Ladies Chain Family  
a. Two Ladies Chain 08.03.
b. Four Ladies Chain 08.03.
c. Chain Down the Line 03.05.
17. Do Paso  
18. Lead Right 03.05.
  Lead Left 24.05.
19. Veer Left 19.04.
  Veer Right 19.04.
20. Bend the Line 22.03.
21. Circulate Family  
a. (Named Dancers) Circulate 22.03.
b. Couples Circulate 22.03.
c. All Eight Circulate (2FL) 19.04.
c. All Eight Circulate (Wave) 31.05.
d. Single File Circulate  
e. Split Circulate  
e. Box Circulate  
22. Right & Left Thru 15.03.
23. Grand Square 19.04.
24. Star Thru 01.03.
25. Double Pass Thru 15.03.
26. 1st Couple L/R, Next Couple L/R 31.05.
27. California Twirl 15.03.
28. Walk Around the Corner  
29. See Saw  
30. Square Thru (1, 2, 3, 4)  
  Left Square Thru (1, 2, 3, 4)  
31. Circle to a Line  
32. Dive Thru  
 Basic Program - Part 2
33. Wheel Around  
34. Box the Gnat  
35. Trade Family  
a. (Named Dancers) Trade 31.05.
b. Couples Trade 31.05.
c. Partner Trade  
36. Ocean Wave Family  
b. Balance  
a. Step to a Wave 31.05.
37. Alamo Style  
38. Swing Thru 31.05.
  Left Swing Thru  
39. Run 31.05.
  Cross Run  
40. Pass the Ocean  
41. Extend  
42. Wheel & Deal (Lines f. out)  
  Wheel & Deal (2FL)  
43. Zoom  
44. Flutterwheel  
  Reverse Flutterwheel  
45. Sweep a Quarter  
46. Trade By  
47. Touch ¼  
48. Ferris Wheel  
 Mainstram Program
1. Cloverleaf  
2. Turn Thru  
3. Eight Chain Thru (1,2,3. ...)  
4. Pass to the Center  
5. Thar Family  
a. Allemande Thar  
b. Allemande Left to an Allemande Thar  
c. Wrong Way Thar  
6. Slip the Clutch  
7. Shoot the Star  
  Shoot the Star Full Around  
8. Single Hinge  
  Couples Hinge  
9. Centers In  
10. Cast Off ¾  
11. Spin the Top  
12. Walk & Dodge  
13. Slide Thru  
14. Fold  
  Cross Fold  
15. Dixie Style to an Ocean Wave  
16. Spin Chain Thru  
17. Tag the Line  
  Half Tag  
18. Scoot Back  
19. Recycle (From a Wave Only)  
    = unterichtet     = teilweise unterichtet (Familien)     = zuletzt unterichtet
   Schn. = Unterichtet an einem Schnupperabend
Allgemeine Definitionen
Facing Couples Rule
Facing Dancers
Ocean Wave Rule
Passing Rule
Same Position Rule
Starting Formations
Arms in Natural Dance PositionHandshake Hold
Bow to Your Corner Loose Handhold
Bow to Your Partner Palm Star
Box Star Posture
Couple Handhold Promenade Ending Twirl
Dance Step Pull By
Forearm Hold Skirt Work
Hands Up  
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Als Alternative kann man sich auch die Animationen der Open Squares anschauen oder die Taminations für mobile Geräte.
Außerdem gibt es die Taminations als App für Android.
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